Could you please further explain what it is understood as “not marketing a commercial application”? Is it understood as making the actions towards the commercialization of the application? Or there is a need of being successful in such marketing actions and get to sell the application?
In which situation is it foreseen that the ownership is transferred to the Buyers Group?
Please clarify further in detail what you mean by: “The financial compensation for IPRs must reflect the market value of the benefits received (i.e., the opportunity that the IPRs offer for commercial exploitation) and the risks assumed by the contractor (e.g. the cost of maintaining IPRs and bringing the products onto the market)” page 40, section 4.4 TD1.
Does this concern the financial compensation that shall be given after the project 2024 to the regions involved in the project?
Since both of the two solutions will be piloted in all five procurers’ regions in Phase 3 of the project (FAQ 13), and possibly multiple sites at each region (FAQ 32) this also requires adopting the solution for all sites. Roughly this can be broken up into the following tasks
Technical integration with the specific systems (e.g. EHR) at each site. Developing, deciding, and describing the process and workflow at each site, including the content (text and other media) that should be served by the solution. Technically setting up the solution to fit process and content from 2. For each of these tasks, which party […]