Pre-commercial Procurement of innovative ICT-enabled integrated care solutions to advance multidisciplinary health and care for patients with chronic heart failure
Pre-commercial Procurement of innovative ICT-enabled integrated care solutions to advance multidisciplinary health and care for patients with chronic heart failure
Phase III has concluded | Final Days of INCAREHEART

What a journey this has been...

From ambitious beginnings to meaningful outcomes, we navigated challenges, celebrated milestones, and ultimately hope to have made a difference. Check out our project overview section below, where we present INCAREHEART in fast forward.
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Latest NEWS

Open Pilot Day in Thessaloniki

Preparations for the piloting are under way - first patients are planned to be enrolled by December.

About US

Five public procurers from five countries will jointly procure an ICT-enabled integrated care solution to effectively support the management of a multidisciplinary care and support model for people living with Chronic Heart Failure (CHF).

For whom?

INCAREHEART could serve 1,320,000 patients with heart failure when fully rolled out in the procurer countries. The INCAREHEART solution will at its core seamlessly integrate into existing ICT systems, but also into processes and working practices.


Building on the partial advances seen in integrated healthcare delivery, for the first time a range of features will be integrated into a modular solution to effectively bring different care providers, family carers, and patients into a shared CHF care pathway cutting across diagnosis, acute care and jointly managed long term care.

Let's talk business

Proven ability to cover the different health systems promises INCAREHEART suppliers’ easy entry into other EU markets and beyond, a very strong contribution to overcoming fragmentation of demand and fostering the global market.


Introducing seamless transitional care processes are expected to effectively reduce emergency care needs, hospitalisation rates as well as increase treatment adherence.


The project has started in February 2021, OMCs started in June 2021. Phase I of the procurement of R&D services started in spring 2022, and test deployment is planned for Q3 2023.

We are proud part of the 2CARE4EU cluster

INCAREHEART is part of the 2CARE4EU cluster which aims at developing innovative healthcare ICT-based solutions, codesigned with citizens and health care professionals. Our solutions are aimed at improving the treatment of chronic diseases, rehabilitation in remote areas, predictive analysis for frailty prevention and integrated care solutions addressing multimorbidity challenges.

The 2CARE4EU cluster delevoped policy recommendations that highlight the need for strategic efforts to enhance healthcare outcomes.

What is PCP?

Competitive development in phases

In PCP, public procures buy R&D from several competing suppliers in parallel to compare alternative approaches and identify the most cost-effective solutions that the market can deliver for their requirements. R&D is divided into phases (solution design, prototyping, initial development and validation/testing of a limited number of initial products), with the number of competing R&D providers reduced after each R&D phase.