Bilbest Bilişim

Seeking a partner
Care and follow-up Early diagnosis and anticipatory care Living with heart failure

Bilbest, an ISO/IEC 15504 SPICE Level II, ISO 27001, ISO 9001 certified company, has extensive expertise extensive expertise in large-scale software and mobile application development, chronic disease management, automation of clinical guidelines, clinical decision support systems, EHR and PHR systems by leveraging IoT resources and advanced big data tools. Bilbest is one of the pioneering company in Turkey using big data tools and AI systems in e-health transformation and has profound experience in robust decision-making frameworks. Additionally, Bilbest has successfully completed Phase I of the HSMonitor PCP project (Call: SC1-DTH-10-2019-2020), which was for innovative ICT-enabled monitoring to improve health status and optimise hypertension care in 2021.

Value my organisation can add in a joint tender​

Bilbest has high technology driven expertise in e-health and interoperability solutions, and demonstrated experience in holistic health management systems.

Areas of cooperation sought​

Collaboration with academia, research institutes and patient communities to provide medical expertise and support in disease diagnosis, early prediction, secondary prevention and long-term treatment; and collaboration with healthcare companies with in-field experience to conduct impact analysis (PREMs and PROMs) and and pilot implementation of the solution

Organisation details

Organisation type:
Health/ICT SME
Organisation size:
Small (< 50 employees and ≤ € 10 m turnover)
Headquarters country​:



Contact person
Neslihan Ozturk
Job title
Project Coordinator